Just back from a hard core bumble bee extraction. I’d already been to survey what was needed
after a phone call on Tuesday evening and assumed (see the photos below) it was similar to the one I’d
removed for Ali B earlier in the month. So armed with a suitable box and my protective
gear I nipped over to Chaddesden.

The very placid colony was located under the insulation in
the loft and weren’t troubled by my initial investigations. After tentatively
lifting and cutting the 6" thick fibreglass insulation I was confronted with a labyrinth
of tunnels going in lots of directions. I kept carefully searching until I was
confronted with a nest that was twice the size of the box I’d brought - Merde! The
nest had the appearance of some strange confectionary, a bit like Rocky Road,
in that the surface was covered in loads of 10mm wax balls (they act as brood
chambers) and small, open, wax buckets of honey. In my haste I forgot to take
any pictures but it certainly isn’t anything like honey bee comb. Another thing
was the smell – a very over powering sickly, musky tang, that had my face not
been right above it might have been bearable. By now the bees had gone from ‘Green
Alert’ – “what’s on the TV tonight, Queenie?” to ‘Amber Alert’ – “pass me the axe I hear
burglars!”. Needless to say there were a good number of bees in the air.
Weirdly, even in this agitated state, they were still not very aggressive
compared to honey bees and seemed content to circle noisily around the light
bulb. Thinking on my feet I reverted to Plan B: find another box and something
to use as a lid without climbing back down the ladder. Luckily the loft was a
treasure trove of bags, boxes and bits of board, and I settled upon a medium
sized stacker box topped off with some laminate floor underlay – tasteful. Now
came the interesting bit; I slid my hands under as much of the nest as possible
and lifted it gingerly into the bigger box. It really was like a very loose
cake mix and needed several attempts to get it all in. The bees were still
quite agitated but still only at Amber; maybe that’s as bad as it gets! Once I’d
got as much of the nest as I could I topped it off with several pieces of the
holey insulation and the make-shift lid, leaving a small gap for the bees to
get in. As the householders will now be on holiday for a week we decided to
leave the box in situ and I will collect it, with as many attendant bees as
possible, when they return. That will give me time to make a more suitable box
and, more importantly, find a location to keep them – there is an embargo on
any more bumble bees in my garden. Hopefully the final move will be less
traumatic; I’ll let you know!
Embargo on bumble bee's, is it getting a little crowded or is it a lack of space for hanging washing.