Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Meetings and Events to Easter.

Diary Dates

I took a few notes of the dates that were discussed at the last DaDBeeP meeting at the beginning of January so (late as ever) here they are:
  • Wed 6th Feb - DaDBeeP monthly bee meeting.
  • Thurs 28th Feb - Public Introductory Event, Elvaston Village Hall 7pm-9pm
  • Wed 6th March - DaDBeeP monthly bee meeting.
We also discussed having a Hive Building Event during Easter Fortnight, date to be decided on the 6th Feb meeting.

Event advertising

I hope we can work out a way of getting posters to people for distribution - can we get to meet Boyd somewhere to pick them up?

Please think about what organisations you could inform about the Intro Event. There are loads of gardening societies as well as a crop of Transition Town organisations and other 'green' campaign groups. Does anyone have a contact in the Local Government or Parish Councils who might be able to pass on advertising? Some communities have spaces or woodland that is owned/managed by the community. There are community agricultural organisations, garden centres and farm shops; and thats all before we get to the local post offices and notice boards.

Could we even think of notifying businesses that might want to sponsor their own local hive that could be managed in a community space or on a local organic farm? Could we even move into community hive management?

Quick - stop me thinking!!!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 6th Feb, if not before.

Best to you all,


(Edited to amend Intro Meeting date - thanks Boyd, what are we going to do without you? I can't even get the dates right!!)

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Finally buzzing off......

I'm sad to say that after much paper shuffling I now have my departure date for Qatar. My last day at work will be Friday 15 February, and I will fly to Doha on Thursday 28 February. Again sadly Thursday 28 is the day of the 'Introductory Meeting' for new recruits at Elvaston village hall and I won't be able to make it. Hopefully Tim, Alison and a few other TBH converts can be on hand to offer advice and support to anyone thinking of taking up a more sympathetic approach to beekeeping.

I would hope that the small, but enthusiastic, core of DaDBeep members will continue to fly the flag for a differing approach to beekeeping and maintain the fledgling local network we've created.

If the weather improves I will try to visit a few of you before the next meeting to drop off some posters for the 'Introductory Meeting'; if not hopefully I'll catch-up with you on Wednesday 6 February.

Cheers for now

Friday, 11 January 2013

February Meeting Plans

Hi all - have spoken to the lady that takes bookings for Elvaston Village Hall & 13th Feb is booked, so is most of the rest of February - only dates available around that time are 7th, 22nd, 28th or 1st March, so its either one of those or an alternate venue?  What does anyone think?  Let me know.


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

DaDBeeP Meeting - Wednesday 9 January 2013

Massive thanks to those who braved it on this dank evening; a shame that a few more couldn't make it but I know we are all busy people. There was however plenty of energetic post Christmas chat, unusually mostly about bees, and between us we formulated a plan to spread the word about 'natural' beekeeping and Top Bar hives to a wider audience over the next few months. I won't steal Tim Lowe's thunder on the 'recruitment drive' but I hope you can all either help-out in someway or attend a few of the events we have planned!


Thursday, 3 January 2013

Its warm and the garden is buzzing

Hi all
It was great to see so many of you just before the festive break.

So the 1st dry day for ages I took my bike out and when I got back I've found that the bees are back to normal (don't buy a white car) . I took a look down the garden and the hive was quite busy.
I've seen bees carry others away so I guess it is like taking the tree down and they are having a bit of a tidy up . I just hope that they aren't lured into a false sense that winter is over .

On another note my brother bought me the Green Guides Keeping Bees book , and we both think it is very good and even mentions top bar hives and plastic variations !
We both look forward to catching up next week