Sunday, 11 November 2012

Possible talking venue.

Whilst browsing the local web I came across the Melbourne Area Transition (, their 'Community Response to Peak Oil and Climate Change'.

It may be that they might be interested in finding out more about sustainable beekeeping the Dadbeep way. If anyone fancies joining me I'm happy to approach them and find out if they might like to hear about what we do.

Let me know what you thing about this in the comments.

All the best to you all,


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Meeting cancelled

Very sorry for the short notice, and hopefully in this age of mass communication my e-mails and texts meant nobody made a fruitless journey, but due to so few people being able to make it I've decided to cancel the November meeting.

The bee related quiz can wait until another time but I will hassle you all to confirm if you intend on coming to the DaDBeeP Xmas meal (Wednesday 5 December, Tandoori Nights Restaurant, Shardlow).

Kind regards